Cameron turns 6!

December 2004

December 2005

December 2006

December 2007

December 2008

December 2009

December 2010

So 6 years ago on December 16th our lives completely changed. For the better of course. Cameron was the best pregnancy and birth of all of my kids. He was perfect. I remember saying that something was different about him when he was born. Everyone just said that he looks different because he was just born. The next morning is when the pediatrician came in to explain what she found. I was all alone. Randy was at home with the kids and his mom. It was ok though. I wasn't freaked out or worried. All I wanted to know was what should I do now. I am glad I didn't know when I was pregnant. I think my imagination would have ran wild. So now 6 years later I am still in love with this little angel. Even though sometimes I could really use a break from him. He is at a hard age right now. We are still potty training and still trying to get him to stop sucking his thumb. It's hard to break a habit when he come out doing this:
Seriously I should have known it would be a hard habit to break. He was the BEST baby too. Such an angel. 6 years later and I still love him like I did then. He sure brings some fun in the family. He started kindergarten this year. Oh it has been a little struggle, but fun. I really think he likes it. He is trying his hardest.

For his birthday we went to Abuelos for dinner with our friends the Brown's. Then we came back home to open presents. He was so much fun this year. He loved all his gifts. It's been fun this year and last to celebrate his birthday at school. Both years now the class had their Christmas party the same day. Cameron thinks that that was his birthday party. Hopefully next year will be the same. Who knows! Here are a few pics to highlight it all: